Women vs. Men

Men!  We can't live with them we can't live without them.  So what do you do?  Women!  Let's focus on us for a minute.  Can I just say we are a straight up emotional rollar coster, and if I were a man I think my head would spin trying to figure out what a girl wants.  So these are my thoughts, as a woman, to help a man out.  One of the most important things I want from a man is security.  I want to know that the man I'm with will love me forever, provide to the very best of his ability for my needs, and protect me from harm.  I know that might sound like some kind of super hero, but it's not unrealistic.  We aren't looking for perfection all the time, but we do need some consistency in the security you provide us.  Secondly, I need to know that I'm the most important woman in your life.  I'm not nieve enough to think that you won't notice other women or that you won't have other relationships in your life, but, I NEED to know beyond a shadow of doubt that no other woman even comes close to your feelings toward me.  I need to be that princess on a pedestal that rises high above the rest.  I need to be reminded of this often by whatever means you see fit.  If you are struggling with ways to do this or show your love and affection, then let me make a few suggestions.  Do things that help a girl out, like clean her car out or help around the house.  Or bring home a beautiful arrangement to set on the table.  I know women everywhere say flowers aren't' practical, but they don't have to be $50 flowers.  Just pick up a nice $10 or $15 bouquet from the grocery store.  We love it when you take a few minutes and focus totally on us.  Look us in the eyes, touch our face, tell us how beautiful we are. (not with the expectation of jumping in the bed)  Those moments carry us through the week.  Like everyone, we live to feel loved and these are a few ways to show it.  I hope this helps you see into our thought process a little deeper.


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