So you think you can parent!

You know, years ago, back before I had children I use to think, I can't wait to be a Mom!  I loved babysitting and bossing kids around.  And I enjoyed putting every pet I owned in a small toy cradle I had in my room.  My cat Prissy didn't appreciate the comfy cradle as much as I thought she should.  Anyways,  So then I grew up and got married to the most wonderful man in the world (for me that is) and we waited a whopping 6 months before we decide to bring children into our lives.  Now I'm looking back 12 years later, and contemplating all that goes into parenting.   It has to be one of the most difficult things in the entire world!  When you become a parent you have no clue what to do and your experience comes from how your parents raised you.  And lets face it, there are probably a few things you would change.

SO my question is what's the right answer??  Obviously there are MANY teachings out there on how to raise your children.  Some are obviously messed up, some sound pretty good and others sound impossible to follow or stick to.  Now that I'm a little older I've started to look at adults around me and wonder what kind of parenting they had.  Some adults don't react any differently than a toddler.  I know adults who scream or yell because things didn't work out their way.  Or throw a temper tantrum over something selfish.  They don't know how to carry on a productive discussion when things go wrong.  Oh yes, they get a reaction from EVERYONE around them, but the reaction they get is distance and annoyance.  Personally, I will only put up with someone trying to control me for so long before I pull away and say sorry but this isn't worth it.  Then I wonder, did their parents teach them not to respond that way?  Were they disciplined when they reacted in the wrong way??  Once a child grows up and hasn't learned this simple lesson, I believe they are more and more isolated and cut off from relationships because adults will only deal with those reactions for so long.   At that point, do they learn to change or do they just suffer the consequences as adults.

All this rambling doesn't take into account any biblical teaching whatsoever.  And I do believe the Bible gives us instruction on training children.  Obviously NONE of us will successfully train our children just like the Bible teaches.  We as Christian's try to follow the Word as we grow and understand it, but sometimes it's too late for our little one's to benefit from.  So in conclusion,  I know I don't have the answers!  I'm certainly not trying to tell anyone else how to parent because lets face it NO ONE whats to hear they are doing it wrong.  What I'm sharing is what I have observed as an adult watching other children and adults grow and mature.   If you're looking for answers you've come to the wrong place, but if you have any comments or advice PLEASE feel free to share.  I value other people thoughts and opinions on the subject.


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