All the single ladies...

So today I have been thinking about my single friends out in this world searching for Love.  Not just any love the perfect love. It's seems so much harder now days.  I feel old saying this but things aren't as simple as they use to be.  And I don't want to guy bash, but there seems to be a shortage of decent men in this society.   Where are all the responsible men out there who have good jobs are are looking to commit to a relationship and to family.  Even the men with families run off at the 1st sign of trouble.
So what's a girl to do this day in age?  Where do you meet a decent guy who's looking for more than a fling or better yet all the benefits of a wife but no commitment?

I believe that it's the responsibility of the women.  Lets face it, guys are guys.  They are gonna take advantage if we let them.  They are gonna get as much as they can with as little commitment as possible.  It's very rare to find a selfless guy out there.  So we women have to raise the bar and say NO!  I'm not going to put out cause you bought me dinner.  No, I'm not gonna go home with you because I'm lonely and I guess I'll settle for making you happy for a temporary fix.  Ladies if we don't all band together and raise the standard than guys will continue to ride that train as long as possible.  The women who continue to put out without a ring on their finger are slowly compromising the value of what they have to offer.  When you give yourself fully to a man it is giving a piece of who  you are to him and that shouldn't be done without a commitment that he will value and treasure forever.  I know that waiting for what we desire is difficult but if we do it will be worth the wait!

One day it just happens and they walk into your life, and you think I can't believe he likes me.  He's the most amazing, wonderful person.  Then that person looks at you and says "I can't believe I am sitting here with the most amazing person in the whole world."  You both sit there stunned in utter happiness that you have each other.  Yep, that's how I was caught!  I felt like I couldn't live with out him and he couldn't live without me.  We did everything to make each other happy and we were on an endless love high.  Then I think of my friends and say why was I so lucky to find that perfect match?  What did I do to deserve it?  Well for one thing, I didn't date everyone and there brother going from one relationship to another.  I waited, and I waited, and I cried cause I didn't have a boyfriend like everyone else, and I waited some more.  Then one day it just happened.  It was like he just walked into my life.  Now I wouldn't say that it was love at first sight but it sure was lust.  I didn't really know what love was back then.    I only knew that feeling of euphoria when we were together and I knew I never wanted it to end.   The sad thing is, it does end, but the amazing thing is you learn what true Love really is.  Being married to the man I fell in lust with so many years ago has taught me so much about love.  It's about being committed to one another completely knowing that you can always depend on each other.  It's about supporting one another through the toughest times in your life and coming out stronger on the other side.  It's about growing, and learning together.  It's about forgiving one another for the bizzillionth time.  It's about communicating openly and honestly with one another and being completely secure knowing they will love you no matter what.  I look around at other married couples and think are they as happy as we are?  I wonder sometimes how we were matched up so perfectly and the only thing I can think is that God answered my prayers.  I really feel like God brought us together and He knew what was best for me.  I'm just so glad I waited on Him and didn't rush ahead with my own plans.  So I know that this seems more about love then about my single friends but I just wanted to say that if you keep your eyes on God He will lead you and be with you even when you are lonely.  I truly believe He know's what best for each of you.  So trust Him with your life.  Keep walking on the straight and narrow path and there will be reward in that.  I don't know the future but I do know that God knows you even better than you know yourself so don't worry about tomorrow for today has enough trouble in itself.  I pray that God sends you your perfect mate.


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