Family ISSUES!

As I begin this blog I'm thinking of ALL the family that might read this title and cringe with fear at what I'm about to post.   Or maybe even a spark of anger will flare up with the possibilities that are running through their mind.  "What is she gonna post?"  Muhahahaha!  That gives me a sense of power and joy.  Oh, is that wrong?  Oh well, you can ALL relax, it's not what you think.

So today I'm thinking about family and how we all relate (or don't relate) with one another.  Many different personalities and opinions all forced together (sometimes in tight living conditions) trying to get along the best we can.  I'm teaching my young children right now how to talk out their differences with one another.  I'm trying to instill speaking kindly when someone annoys you, upsets you, or hurts you.  Cause lets face it, this happens on a daily basis.  I'm having this educational discussion and a light bulb goes off.  Here's a run down of the lesson:
#1  When someone else does something directly to YOU tell them in a nice way what they have done.
#2  Depending on how that person handles it determines what you do next.
     a.  They immediately recognize the wrong they have done and apologize for the offense.
     b.  They snap back in anger with accusations toward you because they don't like what they hear.
     c.  They simply don't agree that they did anything wrong.  
#3 If they respond with a. the answer is simple. Forgive them and go on about you business and if it happens again, repeat steps 1 and 2.
Simple solution right?  WRONG!
The problem lies with the fact that in general people don't like to be told they have done something wrong or that the way they think is wrong.  If we are completely honest with ourselves we will recognize this pretty quickly.  Personally, I believe the way I think is right.  It takes a pretty good argument to convince me otherwise.  I don't say that with pride in my tone.  It's just a fact.  Now, if you're really honest with yourself I think you will find that we are all stuck in our own ways.  So here is the light bulb that went off.  I started thinking about how I handle things with my family and how I just assume they should think like me.  When they don't, I begin to judge them to be WRONG. That's right...I'm putting it out there.  I think y'all are all WRONG!  hahaha!  Just kidding:)  I don't always speak my mind to them, but I think it, and then...light bulb #2...I thought, I MIGHT be wrong.   So in short, don't always spew your opinions about others to everyone else because you could be the problem and don't always think your way is the right way cause it might not be.
In conclusion, a simple solution to ALL family problems.
If you have been offended by someone:
#1 When someone does something directly to YOU tell them in a nice way what they have done.
#2 Forgive them when they repent for it

If you are the offender:
#1 Someone comes to you and addresses a problem of hurt or annoyance accept the possibility what you have said or done something could be wrong and be willing and open to change.
# 2 Apologize for the offense.

Please sense the sarcasm in the simplicity of the solution.  I know it's not always this easy, BUT you would be amazed at how simple the solution would be if we all were less judgmental and more forgiving.  I pray there is peace and happiness in your homes and family's more everyday.


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