
Showing posts from 2011

The Impact Crater

I cannot sleep tonight for all the thoughts that are bouncing around in my head.  I'm hoping if I write them down I will be able to let some of it go.  Please forgive my poor writing skills. I know that many words have been spoken of Scotty Richardson in the past week and many more will be spoken in his remembrance.  I know many people are grieving because they knew him intimately.  That is not my story.  I did not know him.  I only know the wonderful things that have been said about him.  I listened to his eulogy and all his credentials.  As many people complemented the accomplishments of his life,  he was truly honored today as a servant of our community.  My heart goes out to the family and loved ones who will ever be affected by his death. The reason I'm writing this is out of selfishness.  When you attend a funeral of someone you don't know many things go through your head.  I would assume that...

Family ISSUES!

As I begin this blog I'm thinking of ALL the family that might read this title and cringe with fear at what I'm about to post.   Or maybe even a spark of anger will flare up with the possibilities that are running through their mind.  "What is she gonna post?"  Muhahahaha!  That gives me a sense of power and joy.  Oh, is that wrong?  Oh well, you can ALL relax, it's not what you think. So today I'm thinking about family and how we all relate (or don't relate) with one another.  Many different personalities and opinions all forced together (sometimes in tight living conditions) trying to get along the best we can.  I'm teaching my young children right now how to talk out their differences with one another.  I'm trying to instill speaking kindly when someone annoys you, upsets you, or hurts you.  Cause lets face it, this happens on a daily basis.  I'm having this educational discussion and a light bulb goes off.  Here...

Poor POOR ME!!

So I've determined I'm not your typical blogger.  I have so much life going on I don't have time to sit and post something everyday.  Luckily the blog readers out there aren't knockin down my door to get me to post something.  I have figured out that I need a place to vent all these thoughts going on in my head.  So here goes. This post is going to be for Christian's only.  I'm not trying to be judgmental or snobbish but I know that if you aren't a Christian (meaning you believe only in Jesus Christ for your salvation) then this post will probably only make you angry and that is NOT the purpose.  I just have some deep thoughts floating around concerning Christians. I have come to understand that my life as a Christian seems to change more every year.  I'm hoping it's for the good, but I'm not always sure I'm heading in the right direction.  These last few years have really brought to light my enormou...

So you think you can parent!

You know, years ago, back before I had children I use to think, I can't wait to be a Mom!  I loved babysitting and bossing kids around.  And I enjoyed putting every pet I owned in a small toy cradle I had in my room.  My cat Prissy didn't appreciate the comfy cradle as much as I thought she should.  Anyways,  So then I grew up and got married to the most wonderful man in the world (for me that is) and we waited a whopping 6 months before we decide to bring children into our lives.  Now I'm looking back 12 years later, and contemplating all that goes into parenting.   It has to be one of the most difficult things in the entire world!  When you become a parent you have no clue what to do and your experience comes from how your parents raised you.  And lets face it, there are probably a few things you would change. SO my question is what's the right answer??  Obviously there are MANY teachings out there on how to ...

Real Life

As children we have this idealist view of what life is all about.  We spend our days dreaming of our future husbands and families all the while thinking that it will be somewhat like our barbie playhouse.  Barbie, the perfect (anatomically incorrect) figure, perfect baby and obviously perfect husband. We take Barbie and put her in her cute pink convertible and ride all around town.  Then send her home to her 2 story fully furnished house with a swimming pool in the back yard. I don't know about y'all but that's not how my life started out.  Don't get me wrong, I'm not complaining I just wish some how I could have had a more realistic view of the world.  I can't say my Mom didn't try to warn me.  But you just can't teach real life to kids can you?? I'm thinking maybe I should have sat down with my daughter early on and made some fundamental changes to Barbie and her perfect home.  That way maybe she would see...