The Impact Crater

I cannot sleep tonight for all the thoughts that are bouncing around in my head. I'm hoping if I write them down I will be able to let some of it go. Please forgive my poor writing skills. I know that many words have been spoken of Scotty Richardson in the past week and many more will be spoken in his remembrance. I know many people are grieving because they knew him intimately. That is not my story. I did not know him. I only know the wonderful things that have been said about him. I listened to his eulogy and all his credentials. As many people complemented the accomplishments of his life, he was truly honored today as a servant of our community. My heart goes out to the family and loved ones who will ever be affected by his death. The reason I'm writing this is out of selfishness. When you attend a funeral of someone you don't know many things go through your head. I would assume that...